Join us as Dr. Jeff Paz shares the 7 records that you need to order an appliance and the simple steps required in the records visit.

Records for Oral Appliance Therapy - The Buck Starts Here

With Dr. Jeff Paz, DDS, D-ABDSM

Listen To This Webinar!

Listen To The Question and Answer Session!


What records are you supposed to take when you order an appliance?

What crucial pieces of information will impact your approach to treating your patient’s obstructive sleep apnea?

Dr. Jeff Paz shares the 7 records that you need to order an appliance. These 7 records will show you:

  • The best titration mechanism
  • The ideal appliance design
  • Potential complications
  • How to increase compliance

Ultimately, the patient has to be comfortable with their appliance. The steps that Dr. Jeff Paz shares will help you increase compliance and impact the effectiveness of your appliances.

Dr. Paz also provides insight on how to decrease the amount of time and learn the simple steps that are required in these visits.

By the webinar’s conclusion, you will learn to:

  • Define the 7 records required for a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)
  • Clarify the workflow for a dental practice to take MAD records
  • Explore the tools required for ordering a MAD
  • Understand the impact of the records appointment on patient compliance

*Sponsored by Awaken2Sleep

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